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Wayside Furniture 2024 After Thanksgiving Giving Event.
Bring in a donation for one or more of your favorite charitable organizations listed here and Wayside Furniture will make a matching contribution up to $100 between 11/29 and 12/02/2024 or until $200,000* is given. So whether it’s Love in Jesus Name, Haven of Rest, Akron/Canton/Cleveland Foodbanks, Battered Women’s Shelter, Catholic Charities or many others…this would be a doubly good time to give! Wayside will mail your donation along with our matching contribution.
*Wayside reserves the right to decline a match at its discretion. $200,000=$100,000 from public, $100,000 from Wayside. Please, no cash donations. Name, address and phone number will be required for each donation. 1367 Canton Rd. Akron, OH 44312; Phone 330-733-6221.